Throwing a Vegan Waffle Party But Tight on Cash? Ask for a Free Cookbook

I don’t want money to stand in the way of anyone who wishes to throw a fun and meaningful event. If you’d like to throw a vegan waffle party in May or June and want the full cookbook but are currently very tight on cash, just follow these steps:

1) Let me (and the world) know about your event if you haven’t already.

2) Contact me via the contact form by Sunday, May 22, stating, “I’m hosting a vegan waffle party and would love a free cookbook!” and including your mailing address. I’m giving away paperbacks of The Global Vegan Waffle Cookbook to the first three individuals and pdf e-books to the next two who do this. I’ll note in a comment to this post if the five-respondent max is reached before then.

3) You might also wish to consider applying for funding to cover food costs via VegFund.

Please note that it may take me a few days to get the book in the mail, and even with USPS Priority Mail, it may take a week to get to you, especially if you’re outside the US. I’m unable to provide arrival estimates. If your party is within a week, you can always use some of the free recipes on this site.

I don’t ask for any justifications as to why you deserve the book; I simply trust that you wouldn’t be asking for it otherwise. Also, in this giveaway, names won’t be publicly announced. (Although you’re always welcome to talk up the book on Facebook, etc., if you like it.) Happy vegan waffling!

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