Waffle Party Host Resources

Are you planning on hosting a waffle party, or thinking about doing so? Congratulations!

This page includes a number of resources and tools, mostly free and some paid. Some are for hosting waffle parties in general, and some are specifically for vegan waffle parties.

Included are printable waffle party dish labels, educational literature on veganism, t-shirts, media and press release templates, logos, a potential event funding resource, and links to posts with additional waffle party ideas and tips.

Waffle Party Dish Labels

At any food party, dietary needs can be diverse. When it’s potluck style, trying to track down who made a specific topping or dish can be tricky.

These printable vegan waffle party dish labels include blanks for guest name, topping name, and common allergens. They will make things easier for you and your guests.

Educational Literature

If you’re throwing a vegan waffle party, you may wish to place out some educational literature for guests who choose to know more. Here are a few resources to get you started; we’ll likely be adding more in the future. More links are on the bottom half of the Veganism FAQs page.

Flyers about Dylan, a cow rescued from the dairy and meat industries, and Global Vegan Waffle Party IV “SpokesCow”

Vegan Outreach: A range of pamphlets and brochures on veganism

Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM): Literature on linkages between health and vegan living

PETA: Literature on vegetarian and vegan issues

Farm Sanctuary: Factory Farming, Vegetarian/Vegan, and other topics

Mercy for Animals’ VegGuide (with lists of vegan- and vegetarian-friendly restaurants by location–may be good to print out and display at your event) and ChooseVeg.com (with a range of information)

Diary-free product lists from GoDairyFree.org

Eggless baking info sheet from The Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale

Global Vegan Waffle Party T-Shirts

A few years back I created a t-shirt to wear at my parties and made it available through an online store. Note that I get a small percentage from each sale, which helps to keep this site running.

Media & Press Releases

This is information that you can use to promote your waffle party or event, as well as any specific causes or organizations that may be linked to your event.

The first item is a template where you can fill in info on your local event. It also describes the national event context. You can paste in the current year’s logo, also found on this page, if you wish.

2014 Waffle Party Local News Release (odt open document text format | pdf)

Following are examples of informational pages and stories on local events, created and catalyzed by local hosts. If you’re a past party host and have an example I’ve left out, please contact me so I can include it.

Logos for Banners & Posters

If you’re creative, please have fun and design your own promotional materials. We welcome you to show them off on the Vegan Waffles Facebook page. We’ve posted a few samples, and you might even check out some of the designs at the Worldwide Vegan Bake Sale (another great event to participate in) for inspiration. But in case you’re limited on time, we’ve designed a few versions of logos for you. You’re welcome to incorporate any of them into your own designs.

Global Vegan Waffle Party logo, 300×229, 72 dpi

 Global Vegan Waffle Party logo, 600×458, 72 dpi

Global Vegan Waffle Party logo without year 600px

Waffle globe with transparent background, 300 px wide

Thanks to Vance Lehmkuhl for this original element that has since undergone some edits and has seen many backgrounds.

Event Funding

VegFund provides resources for certain types of events that introduce people to vegan food. Explore VegFund’s food event grant programs to see if your idea qualifies.

More Waffle Party Ideas & Tips

The posts below include pointers for hosting waffle parties, gleaned from years of experience. Also, the archive of Waffle Party Highlights will give you a range of ideas. If you check that out, enjoy the photos and lists of toppings!

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