Results of 2010 Global Vegan Waffle Party Photo Contest, Part 2

Here are the remaining fun photos from our 2010 Global Vegan Waffle Party photo contest! I’m looking forward to more fun submissions next year; and if you have any you forgot to submit for this year, feel free to post them to the Facebook page. Keep in mind that although the primary party season is over, no one’s stopping you from having other vegan waffle related events.

Dallas R. of Minneapolis, MN, US submitted several photos of cute kids eating vegan waffles. Two in particular stood out, with the tiebreaker being that the girls in this picture are actually eating their waffles, while the boy in the runner-up photo appears to favor the watermelon over the waffles (see album). Not that there’s anything wrong with fresh, juicy watermelon!

Cutest vegan waffle-eating kids
Cutest vegan waffle-eating kids
Another cute kid eating a vegan waffle
Another cute kid eating a vegan waffle

One of the kids from Jess and Cruelty Free WA’s Australian party also stands out, even though she doesn’t have the usual kid-like topping-covered cheeks. But that’s a bit of a technicality, as it’s likely only because she’s getting a little bit of guidance from an adult. I get more food on my face when I’m eating a waffle!

Given the main ingredients in vegan waffles, there was little serious competition for “Guest with the best t-shirt.” The “Vegan zombie says gra-a-a-a-a-a-ainnns” shirt worn to the Cruelty Free WA party was quite fitting. I also liked the poignant “What kind of *&%$ eats a lamb?” t-shirt in the same album.

Best t-shirt worn by guest
Best t-shirt worn by guest

There was a tie for “Most ironic vegan waffles.” (But then again, given what they’re baked on, aren’t all waffles “iron-ic” to some extent?) The first was a photo of vegan fish waffles from Earl B. and the Tokyo Vegan Waffle Party, and the second was what appear to be cow- and duck-shaped vegan waffles from Dallas R.’s Minneapolis party.

Most ironic #1: vegan fish waffles
Ironic vegan waffles #1: vegan fish waffles

We actually have an animal waffle maker we received as a wedding gift, but it doesn’t produce a high enough volume for use at our party. Still fun to break out once in a while, though, especially for guests who enjoy asking questions like, “So, are animal crackers vegan?”

Ironic vegan waffles #2
Ironic vegan waffles #2: vegan cow and duck waffles

The prize for “Most bizarre-looking guest” goes to Earl B. and the Tokyo Vegan Waffle Party. This flower-picking troll gnome hid near their waffle iron, waiting to steal a tasty treat when the cook wasn’t looking. It appears that he was caught! After iron overflow stained his beard, he attempted to charge the host with “battery.” He dropped his complaint when other guests accused him of making a horrible pun.

Most bizarre waffle party guest
Most bizarre waffle party guest
Host best coordinated with one of their waffle toppings
Host best coordinated with one of their waffle toppings

Lola R. of Sweat Records of Miami pointed out to me that “I’m the one who’s hair color matches the strawberries.” Thus, it’s only fitting that one of her pics gets “Host best coordinated with one of their waffle toppings.” She also exhibits exceptional physical coordination, given the ability to chop the strawberries while eating them. Not sure I could do that safely.

The second picture from the Sweat Records party gets the award for “Great illustration of teamwork.” Many more pics are in her album. Given that one of my hobbies is composing music, I love that one of the parties was in a record store.

Best illustration of teamwork
Great illustration of teamwork

Waffle Shop, managed by Dawn W., Jon R., and others in Pittsburgh, captured one of their homemade cinnamon raisin vegan waffles with pecans. Dusted with a bit of powdered sugar and accompanied with strawberries, I thought it represented “simple classic elegance” in a vegan waffle.

waffle shop vegan waffle
Vegan waffle with simple classic elegance

The Waffle Shop artists also run a project called “Conflict Kitchen,” whose goal is to promote awareness about countries and cultures with whom the U.S. is at odds. Given the connections between eating habits and peace/violence, it’s quite fitting that one of their projects currently offers a vegan item.

That concludes this year’s review of Global Vegan Waffle Party photo highlights. Thanks again for your participation, and happy vegan waffling!

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